History 1940 – Present


The population of Madeira reaches 2,700.


During World War II, Oscar and Charlotte Meyer send the newsletter, Sawdust and Shavings, to Madeira men and women in the service all over the world. Over 250 copies, a total of 10,000 in all, went by air mail every two weeks.

“Martin Strifler and Jim Perin, who run the Cub Scouts, and Norman Reeves, the Scoutmaster, did a swell job a couple of Sundays ago on a house-to-house paper drive, They gathered up to 13,000 pounds of paper…and earned their treasury $65.00.” – Sawdust & Shavings #1, January 20, 1944


The population of Madeira reaches 3,500.


Natural gas is piped into Madeira.

The Madeira High School, among the first campus-style buildings in this area, is finished, signaling the peak in enrollment to come in just a few years.


The charter form of government is approved, and, after the 1960 census, Madeira officially becomes a city under Ohio law.


The Madeira Swim club is dedicated. At first the club is centered around children’s swimming activities and adult social events. As time passes, the emphasis swings to tennis, and the club is renamed to include tennis in the title.

The population of Madeira reaches 6,500, period of Bergen and Miami Hills subdivision.


New branch of the post office is dedicated on Laurel Avenue.


The Madeira Theater, located in the building where the Madeira Manor was located, shows its last movie show, succumbing to the “wide screen” and television. Shows were $0.35, and there were very few mothers in Madeira who would not trust there 10-year-olds to theater management on a rainy Saturday afternoon.

The George Meyer Company is sold to the Hilberg family, thus beginning a series of events changing the character of downtown Madeira quite substantially.


The Hamilton County Public Library branch in Madeira is dedicated. (Location of this library was the cause of some rivalry between Madeira and Indian Hill. Madeira planners “proved” to the Library Board that it belonged at its present location.) Our library is built on a graveyard site. (See Early Cemeteries Madeira Milestones – 1985)


Major tornado rips through Madeira. Damage estimate is $3 million. Comment: Like the citizens of most communities in crisis, Madeirans pulled together to console and help each other.


The Hamilton County Metropolitan Sewer District takes over all control of Madeira sewers, reversing a trend toward local control on such issues.

South Kenwood area is annexed to Madeira. This gives the city the geography which it has today. While there was opposition to this annexation at the time, it has diminished over time. Significant Madeira leadership, including former Mayor Christie, lived in this area.

The population of Madeira reaches 6,713.


John Rahe, principal of Sellman School, accepts the Valley Forge Foundation Award. The award honors “The Pageant of Flags,” entertainment was written, produced, and performed by students and staff of Sellman School.


Madeirans celebrates America’s bicentennial…Liberty Bell, purchased by residents and school children of Madeira, arrives by special train, is unloaded, and is installed in a place of honor in front of the Municipal Building.

Madeira Historical Society sponsors a dinner at Madeira Manor for members and friends. Honored guests included several former mayors of Madeira.

Forty women of Madeira share a blue ribbon at the Carthage Fair for the historic quilt they made as part of the bicentennial celebration. The quilt also wins “Best of Show” award.


Ohio Supreme Court upholds Madeira zoning for “single family” dwellings in most areas.

Madeira High School girls’ volleyball team wins the state volleyball championship at Westerville, Ohio. Coach Nadine Wilson and players receive yellow roses presented by Mayor Atkins.


The population of Madeira reaches 9,341.


In May, the Kroger Company opens a 35,000-sq.-ft. “superstore” on Miami Avenue.


An ordinance to allow condominiums to be built in Madeira is defeated by a 4-1 margin, making Madeira one of the few cities of its size and type in the area to prevent construction of this currently popular form of housing.


The population of Madeira is 9,200.


The Municipal Building is torn down to make room for a new building.


The new Municipal Building is dedicated on the site of the former building. The Liberty Bell is placed in the foyer of the new building