Camargo Road – Named for the village of Camargo in Clermont County. It was headed there, but it probably never got there.
Dones – James Dones, 1840 -1850 land owner.
Euclid – This is a surveyor’s section line. It was named by a surveyor in honor of the Greek mathematician, Euclid
Esther – Named for another great granddaughter of James Dones.
Fowler – Leonard Fowler, land owner/developer in 1850.
Longfield – James Long, a developer in the 50’s.
Mardel – An abbreviation of Margarethe Delatron, wife of George Delatron former owner of property along the street.
Marvin – Named for Sarah Marvin who was the wife of James Dones.
Maxfield – Eugene Maxfield, who developed property with James Long.
Naomi – Named for the great granddaughter of James Dones.
Shawnee Run – A modern legend that it was an old Shawnee Indian trail.
Southside – The south side of the Fowler development.
Summit – The high point of Mr. Fowler’s land.
Thomas Bergen was a developer in the 40’s and he came up with the following names:
Berwood – BERgen and WOOD
Jethve – JEan, THelma, and VEra Bergen
Rathon – VeRA, THOMas – the M was changed to an N to make it easier to say.
Rita – Mrs. Bergen’s first name
Thomas – Mr. Bergen’s first name