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The dining room warming cabinet is located next to the fire place. It was used to keep food warm.
This trap door to the basement can be accessed through a closet near the front door. Steve Gordon says that according to lore, the house was part of the Underground Railroad. The door provides access to a spacious basement.
Shagbark Hickory tree is one of the oldest in the area
Smoke house
Support beam for the home. Notice the bark still on the beam.
Knob and tube wiring was standard from the 1880’s to the 1930’s in the United States.
Originally, this fireplace was located on the outside of the home. Shown here, the original arm and hook would have been used to swing a large pot of beans or stew into the fireplace for cooking.
The front staircase (made of cherry wood), contains intricate carvings. The glass lamp is anddition by the owner.
Historical Note: A deed to land in the 12th Section of the 4th Township dated December 24, 1795 and recorded on December 6, 1796 in Deed Book A, Pages 452-453 states that John Jones, of Bourbon County Kentucky, purchased the land for $102.00 from John Cleves Symmes and Susan Symmes, his wife, of Hamilton County, in the Territory of the United States, Northwest of the River Ohio. A separate acknowledgement of theis deed is recorded in Deed Book A, Page 486.